Sable is a populated place LOCATED WITHIN the City of Aurora. In turn, the City of Aurora is located within Adams County.
Sable is located at latitude 39.766 and longitude -104.831.
Since Sable is located within the City of Aurora, all of the census and demographic data for residents of Sable are included as part of the information reported for City of Aurora in the "Profile" tab above.
Adams County: Cities & Towns | ZIP Codes | Features (airports, churches, hospitals, etc.)
Nearby Hotels | Driving DirectionsBIG Map | Driving Directions | Terrain Map | Satellite Map
BOUNDARY MAPS: City of Aurora | North Aurora Division | Adams County
Aurora, CO
(2.4 miles S) Aurora, CO (2.4 miles S) Commerce City, CO (6.1 miles WNW) Four Square Mile, CO (6.7 miles SSW) Derby, CO (6.8 miles NW) |
Glendale, CO
(7 miles SW) Holly Hills, CO (8.2 miles SW) Welby, CO (8.3 miles NW) North Washington, CO (8.3 miles WNW) Denver, CO (8.4 miles WSW) |
Magnolia, CO
(< 0.1 mile) Hillcrest Village, CO (1.4 miles SSE) Boston Heights, CO (1.9 miles SW) Hillcrest, CO (1.9 miles SSE) Montbello, CO (1.9 miles N) |
Gateway Park, CO
(2.4 miles SW) Norfolk Glen, CO (2.4 miles SE) Altura, CO (2.4 miles SE) Chambers Heights, CO (2.4 miles SSE) Aurora Heights, CO (2.4 miles SW) |